The Business Growth Strategy Workshop is the first stop to kick start your learning, getting up close and personal with every aspect your business. Feeling overwhelmed with the daily challenges it's time to run your business and not let it run you. This workshop gives essential information and skills to get more financial clarity, providing you with clear insights and strategies to increase potential

Business Strategy Workshop


 Are you a small business owner juggling all the daily tasks and trying to grow your business while also staying sane. It's a tough balancing act, right? Do you schedule time to plan for the future, sales, growth, exit strategy? That's where a personalised business coaching program could make a huge difference. It's not just about getting advice—it's about finding strategies that fit your business and it's specific needs.

Picture this: you're struggling with time management and feeling overwhelmed by the workload. A coach could help you set up systems that streamline your tasks, giving you more breathing room to focus on what really moves the needle for your business. Maybe it's implementing a new scheduling tool that saves you hours each week or refining your customer service process to boost satisfaction and loyalty.

But it's not just about the practical stuff. It's about a shift your mindset too. A coach to work with you to break through those mental barriers that hold you back—like the fear of failure or doubts about whether you're on the right path. This mindset shift is like giving yourself permission to think bigger and take calculated risks. For example, you might finally launch that new product line or expand into a new market because you believe in your vision and abilities.

And here's where it gets interesting: Having a growth mindset helps you manage stress, boost your confidence and self belief before big presentations, or even quiet those nagging doubts that keep you up at night. Imagine feeling calm and collected during a high-stakes meeting or finding the courage to negotiate a game-changing deal—all because you've rewired your brain to be more confident and resilient.

So why would you do this program? Because it's not just about making more money or growing your business faster (though it can certainly help with that). It's about having the knowledge and skills to  feel more in control of your work and your life. It's about waking up in the morning excited about what's ahead, rather than dreading the never-ending to-do list. It's about achieving that elusive balance where you're not just surviving but thriving—both personally and professionally.

i see you if...

Strategic Planning is not your jam....

Doing things the same way will bring the same results. It's time to get your mindset on board to change limiting beliefs, and thought patterns that keep you stuck. This is growth on all levels, for personal and professional growth.

It's all in the mind

Take a deep dive into your very own business, what works, what doesn't work and see where small tweaks can bring big results. Setting goals and planning for growth is exactly what this workshop provides.

Specific to your Business

Learn specific tools that will give your 100% clarity about what you want and where you want this business journey to take you. It's simple but very effective.

Big Ideas for Growth

These 3 things sets it apart ...

On the Right Path: Gain clarity on your business vision, values and goals that brings your business into alignment so every decision has a clear purpose

Planning for Growth: Actionable plans with practical insights and tools, you will be equipped to implement effective growth strategies tailored to their business needs.

Easy Decisions: Enhanced market analysis skills will empower you to make informed decisions, minimising risks and maximising opportunities for growth.

Lots of Money: Implementing targeted marketing and sales strategies, you can expect to see an increased revenue and profitability.

Smooth Operator: Learn how to streamline operations for max efficiency. 

Competitors No Problem: Be better positioned to differentiate your place in the market and outperform competitors. Learn your unique competitive edge.

Customer Love: Focusing on happy customers you'll create loyalty, repeat business and referrals. Make more client retention part of your growth plan

Feeling Good and Going For It: A clear roadmap, you will feel more confident and motivated to tackle challenges and pursue growth opportunities. Clarity is power!

Getting Connected: Network with other business owners and industry experts, exploring new opportunities. Collaborating with others helps to feel connected.

The Ultimate Dream: With new insights and skills future challenges will lead to bigger success. Time to dream BIG!

You've got results...

Time is our most precious commodity in the working day so spending time on tasks that get you the results and revenue is critical. Knowing the difference between the Low Value Tasks and High Value Tasks will help you prioritise your daily work schedule. Focus and discipline are key skills that you can learn to stay on top.

The Business Strategy Workshop provides you with a detailed plan of actionable steps for your specific business needs

'Focus on being productive instead of busy'

- Tim Ferris

'That no matter how small your business is, or what industry sector you are in, understanding business principles is vital for success' 

Did you know...

Scheduling time to increase your knowledge and skills in business principles is a smart investment. It helps you stay sharp, adapt to new trends, and tackle challenges with confidence.

Learning the latest strategies and techniques can give you a real edge, making your business more efficient and competitive. It keeps things exciting and motivates you to push your business forward.

Investing in your professional growth means investing in the future success of your business

"Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better,
do better" - Maya Angelou


"When we created a plan based on my vision I could get clarity on the goals I needed to set and the solutions became transparent. Everything fell into place !"

"Lisa guided me to discover what was most important to me.."

"She asks the most insightful questions to encourage you to dig deep in exploring previous experiences and personal values to create your own solutions which had helped me focus on my business in a completely new way."
 - Michelle K

"I didn’t know I needed a business coach until I met Lisa"

"Lisa has been my business coach for the past few months and I couldn’t speak highly enough of how she has helped me to get a sense of where I could make improvements to my business that have really worked.."
  — Jack M.

"It’s given me real advice on how to plan for the future growth in my business"

"Lisas coaching equipped me with the skills to be more self aware and courageous with making good business decisions."
  — TJ.

"I am convinced there will be long lasting benefits"

"She has become part of the team providing great direction, inspiration and support exactly where it’s needed. Her thought processes, knowledge and analysis are spot on. She’s unique her approach thinking outside the box with passion and direction."
  — Elise.

"I’m so glad I found Lisa. Totally recommend working with her"

"Lisa is amazing at seeing the positive and can find real solutions to challenging problems. Her deep mindset work is truly magical" 
— Lucy.

"Her deep mindset work is truly magical"


£750 for half Day

* Payment plans are available

+ Free 20 minute introductory call
+ Intake Form
+ Half Day Workshop
+ Take Away Action Plan
+ Extra Resources - reading list, tips and hacks

what's included

Our coaching sessions are in person or can happen over Zoom! 

Business Strategy Workshop

A workbook, reading list, tips and hacks to get you on track for success

extra resources

With tools and tips to have a real actionable plan specific to your individual business needs

Create aCtion Plan

A great place to start by learning some key business principles 

Half Day Workshop

The time is Right Now!
Sign me Up....

Being a self starter business owner is tough, it's constantly there, a stress and worry that steals your time. The work/life balance is a never ending give and take that sometimes drives you to the brink. But the alternative of working for someone else is just not an option.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners are a rare breed of resilience, determination and passion. It's exciting, the buzz you get when it's going well, money is rolling in and life is fabulous.

Having owned and managed several of my own business I understand how tough it can be and the challenges that you face on a daily basis. The daily roller coaster of ups and downs, decisions, issues, meetings, invoicing can be at time frustrating. Month on month, your business evolves and keeping up with your vision and goals can go out the window.

Working with me as your Business Coach, is a perfect way to stay on track. I'm here to help you get fresh ideas, discuss new opportunities, giving support and encouragement when you hit those tough days.

Whether it's time management, financial planning, marketing strategies or team dynamics, I've got your covered. Together, we'll find strategies for growth, streamline operations, and make sure your business is thriving. 

Let's turn challenges into wins and take your business up a level!

I'm Lisa

Seeing your business flourish, lights me up

 It's all possible...

Imagine having a clear, actionable growth plan tailored to your business, feeling confident in your decisions, and seeing tangible results in increased revenue and efficiency.

The Business Growth Strategy Workshop will equip you with the practical tools, insights, and support you need to outpace competitors and drive sustained growth. It's a great investment, to leave with a roadmap for success that saves you time and accelerates your business’s growth.

Don’t miss this chance to elevate your business  with the financial and growth and success that you desire!

Let's chat about working together!

take the first step

More Info Please

Schedule a complimentary phone call with me to get started.
No strings attached!