my thoughts on everything business, money & mindset


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Small Changes Create Big Results You’ve probably heard of the Butterfly Effect, that idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could set off a tornado in Texas. It’s a concept from chaos theory, where tiny, almost imperceptible actions can trigger massive, unexpected changes. But what if I told you that the Butterfly Effect […]

The Butterfly Effect: How Small Changes Can Transform Your Business

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This week, I’ve been reflecting on a powerful truth: the heart of your business is deeply personal. It’s shaped by your Vision, Values, and Goals—three core elements that are not just business jargon but the very essence of what makes your business unique and successful. When these elements are in complete alignment—heart, soul, and mindset—you […]

Aligning Vision, Values, and Goals: The Heartbeat of Business Success



Time management is something I struggle with, so much to do, so little time. Running a small business can be overwhelming, with endless tasks demanding your attention. But there’s a simple trick to staying productive and focused: working in bite-size chunks of time. This approach can help you manage your workload, reduce stress, and actually […]

Time Flies:  Tips to Get it Done!!



When it comes to reaching personal and professional goals, many people focus solely on conscious strategies and actionable plans. However, tapping into the power of the unconscious mind can unlock new avenues for success. Engaging with this powerful inner resource allows us to overcome limiting beliefs, enhance our focus, boost creativity, and build stronger relationships—key […]

The Power of the Unconscious Mind for Business and Personal Success



Cash flow is simply the movement of money in and out, it’s the financial lifeblood of any business.

These top 10 tips will help you manage your business' cashflow.

10 Tips to Keep Money Flowing into your Business