Working together to tackle the real issues that you face every day. It's doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. Simplified and easy works for me!

What if?

You didn't have doubts about your decisions 
You could stop having money worries every month
You felt confident about consistent business growth
You could switch off from work and relax
You understood the financial jargon
You retained customers long term
You had unshakable self belief
You work/life balance wasn't so exhausting

 Coaching with Lisa

for Business and Personal Success

Running a small business can feel like you're stuck on a never-ending hamster wheel, with no time to breathe or enjoy life. The constant hustle can be exhausting, and finding that perfect balance seems almost impossible. That's where Business Coaching becomes a solution, offering practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you tackle the common struggles of entrepreneurship, boost your income, and grow your business.

Working with me, you'll get a clear plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. I can help you identify what’s holding you back and create
step-by-step strategies to overcome these hurdles. This approach doesn’t just fix immediate problems but also sets you up for long-term success by streamlining your operations, improving your decision-making, and making your business run more smoothly. Having a solid roadmap means you can tackle each day with confidence, knowing you have the support and tools to navigate any challenge.

Developing  a positive and growth-oriented mindset can change how you approach your business and life. This helps you see things differently, making you more resilient, creative, and proactive at dealing with daily challenges. This mental shift is key to breaking free from self-doubt and embracing opportunities. With the right mindset, you’ll find yourself more motivated, performing better, and ultimately making more money.

Adding hypnotherapy to the mix takes things up a notch. Hypnotherapy helps you dive into your subconscious to tackle deep-seated fears, habits, and negative thoughts that might be holding you back. Through guided sessions, you can reprogram your mind for success, reduce stress and anxiety, boost your confidence, and find a better balance in your business and personal life. This holistic approach addresses both the conscious and subconscious barriers to success, helping you feel more well-rounded and ready to perform at your best.

Entrepreneurs who embrace Business Coaching with strategies, mindset shifts, and hypnotherapy often see incredible changes performance. Feeling energised, focused, and capable of balancing their work and personal lives. This comprehensive approach not only drives business growth and profitability but also makes life more enjoyable, turning that hamster wheel into a smooth ride toward lasting success.

i see you...

If you want a better work / life balance ?

Business Therapy: Including conversational hypnotherapy helps address limiting beliefs, fears, habits and negative thought patterns. It's a quick step to boost confidence, focus and money beliefs so you can perform at your best

On a Deeper Level

Tailored for You: Working with your specific business needs and goals, this coaching gives your personalised support. It goes beyond quick fixes but sets you up for long-term growth

Long term Success

Business Strategy and Mindset Integration: This isn't just giving you actionable business strategies. It also helps change the way you think, making sure you're ready to tackle challenges both inside and out.

we work on the mind

3 Ways this Approach is Unique...

Clear, Actionable Strategies: Gain a tailored game plan that addresses your unique business challenges, helping you streamline operations and improve decision-making.

Improved Mindset: Shift to a positive, growth-oriented mindset that boosts your resilience, creativity, and proactivity, enabling you to tackle obstacles with confidence.

Enhanced Productivity: Develop efficient processes and habits that increase your productivity, allowing you to achieve more in less time.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Use hypnotherapy to tackle deep-seated fears and negative thought patterns, leading to a calmer, more focused approach to your business.

Increased Confidence: Boost your self-confidence through mindset work and hypnotherapy, empowering you to make bolder decisions and pursue growth opportunities.

Better Work-Life Balance: Learn strategies to manage your time and energy more effectively, helping you find a healthier balance between your business and personal life.

 Results my clients see...

"Working with Lisa was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was impressive how she broke down the business elements that made it easy to see where improvements were needed. I feel more more in control with planning in line with my goals" — JD

"My confidence has grown and the results can prove it!"

'If you're a freelancer and you're hustling some gigs, it would never occur to you that you might be operating on a set of assumptions that will totally stop working once your business gets to a certain size because people are just in survival mode'

- Perry Marshall

Running a business can feel like a lonely, uphill battle, with daily challenges to overcome. Personalised coaching offers a tailored approach that directly works for you, providing specific support and guidance. With a coach by your side, you get actionable insights and strategies tailored just for you.

One major benefit of 1-to-1 business coaching is gaining a fresh perspective on your business. It's easy to get so wrapped up in daily operations that you lose sight of the bigger picture. A coach helps you step back and see your business from a new angle, spotting areas for improvement and growth that you might have overlooked. This outside perspective is crucial for breaking through plateaus and achieving new levels of success.

With 1-to-1 coaching, you get undivided attention and customised strategies. A coach takes the time to understand your vision, goals, and values, creating a personalised plan that aligns with your dreams. This means every action you take is strategic and purposeful, leading to more efficient use of resources and better results. Plus, having a coach keeps you accountable. Regular check-ins and progress reviews ensure you stay on track, motivated, and focused on your goals.

 Fresh eyes brings new perspective

Investing in a business coach is also an investment in yourself. Beyond just business tactics, a good coach helps you develop a growth mindset, build confidence, and improve decision-making skills. These personal growth aspects are essential for professional success, helping you handle stress, overcome indecision, and lead your team more effectively. The result is not just a thriving business but also a more fulfilled and capable you.

An experienced business coach brings fresh insights, helping you avoid common mistakes and recognise new opportunities. Working together gives you the confidence to take bold steps and innovate changes creating increased business growth, causing a ripple effect into a better life all round.

Working with me as your coach is a game-changer. My approach is unique by combining practical business strategies and a holistic method developing a growth mindset. It is the complete package for any business owner looking to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth.

 Investing in a coach is investing in your future, leading to increased revenue, improved efficiency, and a more balanced, fulfilling professional life.

Fast effective solutions that work


"When we created a plan based on my vision I could get clarity on the goals I needed to set and the solutions became transparent. Everything fell into place !"

"Lisa guided me to discover what was most important to me.."

"She asks the most insightful questions to encourage you to dig deep in exploring previous experiences and personal values to create your own solutions which had helped me focus on my business in a completely new way."
 - Michelle K

"I didn’t know I needed a business coach until I met Lisa"

"Lisa has been my business coach for the past few months and I couldn’t speak highly enough of how she has helped me to get a sense of where I could make improvements to my business that have really worked.."
  — Jack M.

"It’s given me real advice on how to plan for the future growth in my business"

"Lisas coaching equipped me with the skills to be more self aware and courageous with making good business decisions."
  — TJ.

"I am convinced there will be long lasting benefits"

"She has become part of the team providing great direction, inspiration and support exactly where it’s needed. Her thought processes, knowledge and analysis are spot on. She’s unique her approach thinking outside the box with passion and direction."
  — Elise.

"I’m so glad I found Lisa. Totally recommend working with her"

"Lisa is amazing at seeing the positive and can find real solutions to challenging problems. Her deep mindset work is truly magical" 
— Lucy.

"Her deep mindset work is truly magical"


£2,250 for 3 Months

* Payment plans are available. 

+ Free 30 minute Introductory Strategy Call
+ Intake Form
+ 3 months of private coaching
+ 10 coaching sessions  (60 mins each) over the 3 month period 
+ Additional Resources - Workbooks, Business Tips, & recommended reading
+ 1:1 WhatsApp access to Lisa (M-F office hours) for quick coaching on the go 

what's included

Our coaching is in person or can happen over Zoom. Each session is 60 minutes
You'll be able to check in on WhatsApp if you need further support

How does Business Coaching work?

 Workbooks, reading lists, journal prompts, business tips and hacks

Additional resources

Specifically tailored to your vision, goals and dreams

customised to your needs

Coaching sessions are 60 minutes long - face to face or on Zoom

3 months of 1:1 coaching

What coaching is like...

Lisa Comeau Coaching is the ultimate therapy for both your work and personal life. It goes beyond typical business advice that focuses only on strategies and operations, diving deeper into both the practical and mental aspects of running a business. This holistic approach ensures you're not just getting effective strategies but also building the right mindset to tackle challenges and seize opportunities.

Developing a positive, growth-oriented mindset lets you see more options, making you more resilient, creative, and proactive. This mental shift is key to overcoming self-doubt so that you can make decisions and embrace new opportunities. With a coach you learn to handle challenges confidently and turn setbacks into valuable learning experiences, ultimately boosting your performance and motivation, resulting in growth personally and professionally. Working together is about optimising your skills to become your best self with the effects rippling into your business life.

Using tools like conversational hypnotherapy, it is an amazingly quick method to address unconscious limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that keep us stuck in the same old habits that hinder results. Hypnotherapy is an easy enlightening approach where you are totally in control, no tricks or gimmicks.

Clients find it remarkable fast track way to get clarity which can reduce stress and anxiety while boosting confidence and focus. By tackling both conscious and subconscious barriers, business coaching helps you feel more balanced and ready to perform your best in both work and life.

Working with me is an investment in the whole of you and your business, and your quality of life, making it an essential resource for any entrepreneur looking to thrive.

'We don't have business problems - we have personal problems that reflect in our business'
- Pauline Nguyen

I'm Lisa, certified business coach, and hypnotherapist.

Mindset Growth - Business Strategies

'If you can dream it, you can do it.

It may sound cliche but this mantra has helped many entrepreneurs achieve their goals'

Peter Jones
Entrepreneur & Investor Dragon's Den

Let's chat about working together!

take the first step. (it's easy!)

schedule call!

Schedule a complimentary phone call with me to get started. No strings attached!